The Invisible Majority

The Belgian medical profession is made up of 15% of people of African origin. It is the major community practicing in hospitals, retirement residences, medical centers and home care. In a trailer made by a big hospital in Brussels to encourage the population to stay at home, several communities are represented, speaking different languages but none of them are African. Yet another oversight or a willingness to ignore them?
In the practice of their profession, these women and men encounter many problems on a daily basis. Today, these 15% of Africans are in the front line in the fight against Coronavirus. This pandemic reminds us that there are other pre-existing viruses even more virulent (social inequalities, different forms of discrimination, racism…) and which have already been undermining our society for decades. More deadly viruses that affect people from immigrant and underprivileged social classes. Will the revolution and the desires for change, which I hope are preparing for after this health crisis, modify the way we already look at these health care workers with an immigrant background?
This African immigration is once again accompanying Europe in a new war against a virus as the African riflemen did during the two World Wars. The hope is that we can also attack this virus to see a revolution or change. May these nurses and doctors… not be forgotten in history as their elders were in their time.
This movie is part of the virtual program Cinetract ‘20 curated bu Wexner Center Film/Video that speak to the year’s events made by filmmakers from around the world.
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